VMware 虛擬化解決方案

VMware 虛擬化解決方案

VMware 標準版

快克利更新:2024 年 12 月 18 日
原廠料號 (OP)產品說明計價方式優惠價
VMware vSphere
VCF-VSP-STD-8VMware vSphere Standard 8
Includes Production Support and is licensed Per Core with a minimum of 16 Cores per CPU required. (SNS:1Y)
VCF-VSP-STD-8VMware vSphere Standard 8
Includes Production Support and is licensed Per Core with a minimum of 16 Cores per CPU required. (SNS:3Y)
VCF-VSP-ENT-PLUS-1YVMware vSphere Enterprise Plus - 1 Year
Includes Production Support and is licensed Per Core with a minimum of 16 Cores per CPU required. 
VCF-VSP-ENT-PLUSVMware vSphere Enterprise Plus - Multiyear (SNS:3Y)
Includes Production Support and is licensed Per Core with a minimum of 16 Cores per CPU required. 
VMware vSphere Foundation (VVF)
VCF-VSP-FND-1YVMware vSphere Foundation 8
Includes vSphere Enterprise Plus, vCenter Standard, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, and Aria Operations. VMware vSphere Foundation Subscription includes Production Support and is licensed Per Core with a minimum of 16 Cores per CPU required.
VMware vSphere Foundation 8 - 1 Year
VCF-VSP-FND-8VMware vSphere Foundation 8
Includes vSphere Enterprise Plus, vCenter Standard, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, and Aria Operations. VMware vSphere Foundation Subscription includes Production Support and is licensed Per Core with a minimum of 16 Cores per CPU required.
VMware vSphere Foundation 8 - Multiyear (SNS:3Y)
VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF)
VCF-CLD-FND-5VMware Cloud Foundation 5
Includes vSphere Enterprise Plus, vSAN Enterprise, NSX Ent Plus (Networking Only), Aria Suite Term Enterprise, Aria Ops for Networks ENT, HCX Enterprise, SDDC Manager, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, and vCenter Server Standard. VMware Cloud Foundation includes Select Support and is licensed Per Core with a minimum of 16 Cores per CPU required.
VCF-CLD-FND-5VMware Cloud Foundation 5
Includes vSphere Enterprise Plus, vSAN Enterprise, NSX Ent Plus (Networking Only), Aria Suite Term Enterprise, Aria Ops for Networks ENT, HCX Enterprise, SDDC Manager, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, and vCenter Server Standard. VMware Cloud Foundation includes Select Support and is licensed Per Core with a minimum of 16 Cores per CPU required.
Add-on產品僅 VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) 或 vSphere Foundation (VVF) 可加購
Add-on產品僅 VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) 可加購
ANS-VMW-FW-BVMware vDefend Firewall (Bundle)CoreCALL
ANS-FW-ATP-BVMware vDefend Firewall with Advanced Threat Prevention (Bundle)CoreCALL
ANS-NDRVMware vDefend Network Detection and ResponseSensor CoreCALL
ANS-VMW-ALBVMware Avi Load Balancer (Enterprise)Service UnitCALL
VCF-VLR-PVMVMware Live Recovery Protected VMVirtual MachineCALL
TNZ-DATA-SUITEVMware Tanzu Data SuiteUnitCALL
VMware Private AI Foundation
VCF-PAIFNVMware Private AI Foundation with NVIDIA and SQL SupportCoreCALL


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